The first semester of the 2024-25 school year at Leesville is coming to an end. Once December hits, classes start to wrap up their curriculum and start preparing for their exams coming up.
Leesville’s upcoming exam schedule is now released to students and teachers. The exams will take place the week of January 13, 2025.
On Monday January 13, both Math and English end of course exams (EOC’s) are scheduled to take place. They are on their own day because the test is a state issued standardized test, with many students taking them. Students not enrolled in classes with EOC’s do not have to come to school on Monday. Students who are enrolled in two classes that require EOC’s will make-up the second test on the following Tuesday or Wednesday.
This will depend if a student is also taking Biology since the biology EOC is on Tuesday, January 14. CTE state assessments are also scheduled to be administered on that Tuesday.
For all other students, in-person exams for first and second period classes will be on Tuesday, and third and fourth period will take place on Wednesday. The exams for regular classes are teacher-made tests.
January 16 and 17, Thursday and Friday, serve as make-up test days if the student was absent on the day their exam was scheduled. EOC and CTE tests can be taken on these days. However, teacher-made exams have to be made up by appointment through their teacher.
Seniors with a B grade average or higher and have ten or fewer absences in a class with a teacher-made exam can be exempt. Absences include both excuse and unexcused, and students cannot be exempt from EOCs or CTE tests.
“Grab and Go” lunch will be offered to students after the testing commences. Students can leave once the exam period is over. For those who can’t leave until later, dismissal and bus departure is 1:15 on Tuesday and Wednesday, and 2:18 on Thursday and Friday.

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