Finals start the week after Christmas break, from January the 13-15. If students miss one of the regular exam days, there are makeup exam days January 16-17.
The different exam days depend on which classes a student has. Monday is for English 2, math 1/1B, and math 3 End of Course tests. Tuesday is for 1st and 2nd period, and Wednesday is for 3rd and 4th period exams.
With a possibility for 4 exams total, students will need to study to pass the exams or to have a desired grade higher than passing.
“I always make sure I sleep at 9:30pm, so that I’m not in a bad mood when I wake up. It’s also good for exams because I always get good sleep,” said Addison Marconi, junior.
“I have friends in chemistry, and we just got a finals study guide packet. I have a study group and it helps me because if I don’t know a question someone in the group most likely does,” said Carson Ray, sophomore.
There are many ways to prepare and study for exams, such as flashcards, reviewing material, or studying with a friend. Every student practices in their own way and it’s important to know that not every study technique works for everybody. As long as the student feels prepared, any way to prepare is good.
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