The LRHS Choral Department held its annual winter concert on December 10, 2024. The concert includes performances by Beginning and Intermediate Choir (also known as Concert Choir), and Capital Pride (Honors Level). The concert consisted of eleven songs, all accompanied by pianist Andrea Turner.
“[The concert] went really well. I mean everyone did amazing. We’re really like a family together and I think we all had an amazing time,” said Parker Merritt, freshman.
Merritt is a member of the concert choir that performed in the concert. “I really like [performing] Vive La Compagnie! because it was mainly just the basses and tenors and it was all of us guys, so it was meant to be bonding.”
The concert choir performed songs such as 93 Million Miles and ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas at the end of the concert alongside the Capital Pride choir. Capital Pride is an honors level chorus class offered to sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Hannah Holder, junior, is a member of Capital Pride. “Honestly, [performing in the concert] wasn’t really any different than doing it in class, besides having an audience,” said Holder. Holder is a dedicated member of the arts here at Leesville, having participated in both the chorus and performance theatre programs. “I definitely enjoy the family factor [of Capital Pride] because, just like in theatre… we have traditions too, and everybody’s so warm, welcoming and wants you to succeed.”
The concert was a big success with an overall good turnout and lots of applause after each song. Multiple people came to support the chorus program.
“[Performing] is really fun because… I get to do what I love and I love singing. You just get to go out there and be yourself,” said Merritt. The students all worked tirelessly during class with the choral director Tonya Dickens to produce a wonderful show.
“You just have to keep working at your goal and you will [eventually] reach your goal,” said Holder.
Overall, the winter chorus concert was a big success with an amazing turnout and a job well done by all involved.

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