On February 9, 2025, the Philadelphia Eagles beat the reigning champions, the Kansas City Chiefs, in Super Bowl LIX. The Chiefs have been in 5 out of 6 of the past super bowls, and have won 3 of them.
The Eagles, with a 17-3 record before the Superbowl, caused an upset, beating the Chiefs. Prior to this game, they had a record of 17-2. The final score of the game was 40-22.
Michael Daley, sophomore, said, “That was a very, very disappointing game. The result of the game was not what I was expecting at all. I’m a lifelong Chief’s fan, and I’ll admit, they did not play like they should have.”
Most people did not expect the Eagles to defeat the Chiefs.The Chiefs have had a more consistent season than the Eagles. Many factors played into the Eagles’ victory, including the Chiefs’ poor defense and lack of preparation.
“The Chiefs had their defense focus solely on defending Barkley, being ignorant of the fact that the Eagles have other weapons on their offense. Mahomes also wasn’t performing his best with his interceptions thrown and fumbles, ” said Lucas Cecchino, sophomore.
Eagles fans are thrilled at the win for their team. After losing a close game to the Chiefs in the Superbowl in 2023, many fans felt like this was the Eagles’ redemption.
Eryn Andruchowitz, sophomore, said, “We [The Eagles] started out the season struggling a bit but we made it back. We really locked in and figured out how to win against tough teams. We were able to beat the Chiefs, which is a huge deal because they are typically a team who perform extremely well under high pressure situations.”
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