Leesville is full of students with special talents or skills. Some students choose to put their skills to work and make a business out of it.
These entrepreneurs spend many hours on their work and take pride in everything they do.
Josh Hamre, sophomore, said, “It takes up my whole day. After track and all that, it’s the first thing I get to.”
Hamre runs a record label. He is known as CAKE3K and has been creating music since he was seven years old. Doing something like this takes work and dedication, which Madeline Victor, junior, also understands in her jewelry business.
“I sell bracelets, and I sell necklace charms, stuff like that. I sell rings and stuff,” said Victor.
Victor has always been good at making jewelry, so she thought it would be a good idea to sell it. In August of 2024, she put together a website and posted on her Instagram page.

Ella Jack, sophomore, is another dedicated student at Leesville and runs a business doing nails. You can find her on instagram @nailswithellaa.
In the past eight months, Jack has gotten good at managing her time to make sure she doesn’t fall behind in school work.
Jack said, “I’ve gotten pretty good at managing my time, and if it doesn’t fit into what I need to get done that day, I feel comfortable saying no. I’ve really focused on prioritizing school.”
Managing a business as an adult is hard enough, but finding the time as a student to keep the business up and running while not falling behind in school is incredibly hard. When you’re passionate about something, you find the time to keep it going.
“I just really liked nail art. I thought it was a really cool art form to express myself, and I really liked using the medium,” said Jack.
Expressing yourself is important and these three students have learned how to do that through their businesses.
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