Tryouts for the upcoming spring sports teams at leesville

As the winter season draws to a close, student-athletes have begun preparing for the upcoming spring sports season tryouts. 

The spring sports include women’s soccer, men’s and women’s track and field, stunt, men’s golf, men’s and women’s lacrosse, men’s tennis, softball, and baseball.

All sport’s tryouts, with the exception of stunts, begin on Wednesday, February 12. Then range to as many tryout days that are needed to build the teams, most end on Friday, February 14. Stunt tryouts are only held on one day, Wednesday, February 19, from 2:45-5:30.

However, keep in mind that tryouts are subject to change based on the weather that day.

Many sports have already held and will continue to hold workouts prior to the official tryout days. Women’s soccer workouts started quite early, with the first one held on November 20.

Madeline Beaver, junior, said, “Our workouts are really challenging but they help us better prepare for what to expect when tryouts come. They also allow us to get more touches on the ball in front of the coaches and gives them more time to watch us.”

All athletes planning to tryout are required to have filled out the necessary forms through Dragonfly and be cleared. Participation will be withheld from athletes who are not eligible. Any questions relating to DragonFly can be directed to one of Leesville’s Athletic Trainers, Ms. Ford (

Regardless of which sport you are planning to tryout for, make sure to check that you are cleared in DragonFly so you are eligible to play.


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