Leesville Road High School offers 36 sports for boys and girls. These sports range from wrestling and diving, to soccer and football. There are so many options to pick from but, students have to be careful when trying out for a sport.
Many students enjoy playing for a school team, but have very little free time. Participating in a sport is a big responsibility. Most practices are mandatory, and games are definitely a must.
Luke Smith, freshman, said, ¨We have to go to every practice and every game, or else we won’t play in the games. We only get exceptions if we are sick.¨
When considering whether or not to play a sport, one must be focused and driven. With practices and games happening almost every day, that leaves very little time to complete homework or hang out with friends.
Many of Leesvilles athletes try to complete their homework in classes and in personalization time. This is because after practice, students have jobs, or simply just go home and go to bed.
Jackson Garoni, freshman, said, ¨I do my homework in the free time that I get in class because I don’t really have time at home. I go to practice, eat dinner, shower, then get into bed.¨
Some teachers understand the responsibility that these athletes have and are more lenient when it comes to due dates. ¨Mr. Trav gave me a few extra days to complete an assignment because I had a lot of practice the day before,¨ said Smith.
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