Located at 2418 Hillsborough St is on the edge of NC State’s campus. Hillsborough St Tattoo and piercing shop is nicely located near students and the younger generation who are more likely to invest in a tattoo or piercing.
On the first appearance, the outside of the shop isn’t flashy, but instead has a simple sign on the door with their name and their hours. It’s almost hidden, and very nondescript. However, the inside atmosphere has a completely different feel.
The shop has a small lobby with nice leather couches, the lighting is dimmed, and the tattoo booths are cordoned off with half-walls into each space. Each booth is lined with memorabilia and TV show figurines, mostly anime inspired. The floor to ceiling shelves hold stuffed animals, 3-D printed figurines, swords, art work, and more.
The dark moody atmosphere is a perfect place to be tattooed comfortably. While I’ve never gotten a tattoo at Hillsborough St T&P shop, I’ve observed the artists at work, and it’s clear they are professionals of the highest art. The artists thoroughly clean and sterilize their spaces as well as providing a professional atmosphere.
Although I haven’t been tattooed here, I have been pierced multiple times at Hillsborough St T&P shop, and their professionalism and dedication to quality, and sterilization could be compared to none. I wouldn’t pick anywhere else in Raleigh to go. Although prices may be steep, in comparison to other shops they compare nicely. The price depends on the location of the piercing and the type of jewelry. All their jewelry is titanium, however those that are in more sophisticated styles or that have more jewels are more expensive.
This shop is by far one of the most sterile, professional, and safe shops for any piercing. All of the artists and piercers are professionals and have many certifications lining their walls indicating their sensitivity in correctly piercing. They sterilize the jewelry, unwrap new needles, and carefully let you see the placing with a dot before piercing the skin.
I would advise anyone to get their piercing or tattoo at Hillsborough St Tattoo and Piercing shop based on their professionalism, inviting atmosphere, and cleanliness.
There is only one downside to their shop and that is the hours, as they are closed on Monday and their daytime hours are limited from 1pm to 8pm from Tuesday to Saturday, and on Sunday their hours are 3pm to 8pm. So it’s important to line your schedule with theirs if you are trying to get a piercing.

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