Leesville Students daily listening habits

Music has a huge impact on many people’s lives, especially teenagers. A person’s taste in music is a form of self-expression and can connect everyone through the love of music and unique tastes. 

Students like to listen to music during the school day, it can help them concentrate on their school work; the class they’re in can also affect the music they listen to. “When I’m in a harder class, I like to play something more calming, so I’m more focused on the work I’m doing. If it’s a more chill class I’ll listen to something more hyper,” said Logan Wheeler, junior.  

There are many different genres of music and everybody has different preferences regarding their favorite genre. “I like rap music the most,” said Olivija Sonye, freshman.

Many people like rap music the most because of the fast pace, energetic beat, and words; playing it for extra motivation or a boost of energy can be great. “I like indie and rap music the most,” said Aidan Lane, sophomore. 

Others, though, like Indie music because of how calm and relaxed it is; it can be great to play to help achieve a calming energy and positive attitude, as well as the fact that it is more mellow than other genres and can be very relaxing.

There are many other genres that students find helpful for concentration, studying, or just during school in general. “I like R&B and Hip-Hop the most,” said Wheeler. Hip-hop can be great to play for dancing and a mood boost, and R&B is a slower-paced and more melodic genre and can be great to play in a more calm environment. 

Taste in music genre can be based on many different factors, and can also give insight into a person and how they are feeling that day.

Various factors can influence the music someone plays, including their school environment, different classes, and even the people around them. “Classes don’t necessarily affect the music I play. But, it depends on the day,” said Brody Paden, sophomore.

A shift in class and mood can affect music. If a class requires more focus, some kids may choose to listen to more calming music. If a class is more boring to some students, perhaps someone may choose to listen to upbeat music. “I like to play classical music during school because I’m studying, so it helps me be more focused,” said Wheeler. 

Many things change for students throughout the school day, so it is no surprise that their music tastes change with them. However, favorite songs are lasting and can impact the flow of music. 

“Young Boy [songs are] my favorite to play during the day,” said Paden. Some people stick to their favorites throughout the day, and some people change their preferences. 

All in all, school can have a big impact on your day-to-day life, which can affect little things like the music you choose to play, whether it be classical or rap. “I am adventurous in my music taste, I listen to all types, my favorites are rap, country, and summery music though,” said Sonye. 

Music can be helpful to anyone throughout the day, it can help students concentrate, and can just be a great tool to boost students’ moods throughout the day. Scan the Spotify codes above to listen to some of Leesville’s students’ favorite songs and genres.

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