In the past two months, there have been three snow storms in Wake County. The weather has caused school to be canceled five times and delayed once.
Wake County has found a way to make up these days to meet the required days of education. Days that were previously planned to be teacher workdays and a day of spring break are being used for makeup days. These dates include March 14, April 7, and May 2.
Students are unhappy with this decision for numerous reasons. Students had previous plans on these dates, which they now have to reschedule.
Justin Dunn, sophomore, said, “It’s really annoying because on one of the dates that we have to go makeup school, I was supposed to go to the DMV and get my after nines. Now I have to reschedule when I was planning on going… it’s really inconvenient.”
Another reason some students are unhappy is because it cuts their spring break short.
“I am going on a trip over spring break and won’t be coming home until the 7th of April, which was supposed to be a day of spring break. Now I’m going to be missing school and have make-up work to do since I was absent on a day that we weren’t even supposed to have school,” said Will Higdon, freshman.
Some students have other ideas about how Wake County should make up these days.
Tillie Noyes, senior, said, “I think it would be smarter if they took days off of summer break because then we still have three months off… It’s hard to get through 5 day weeks so I really want to keep these days that we were supposed to have off. It would make the weeks feel shorter.”
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