On Thursday, March 25, the Leesville high school Symphonic Band left for Walt Disney World in Florida. Over the first few days of Spring Break the students performed in Festival Disney.
“I don’t think we played our best (at the festival). We have really high standards, so everyone else may think we were amazing, but it could have been our worst performance.” said Colin Balhouse, sophomore.
The band received the first place title in the highest division of 4A, and ‘superior’ ratings from the judges. Out of over 100 ensembles performing in the festival, the Leesville Symphonic Band was given the Gold Award for highest instrumental score.
The band performed the day after their arrival, and the Winterguard performed later that same night. The rest of the trip was spent with an awards ceremony the night after the performance, and free time around Disney.
Ming Wang, senior, greatly enjoyed the trip to Disney. “It was a lot of fun in the parks. We didn’t hang out with kids from the other schools, but we [Leesville Symphonic band students] are all friends, so it was fun.”
By the end of the trip, the superior rating and awards were just the icing on the cake that was a vacation to Disney.
Virginia Reed is a superb writer and an even better friend. She enjoys unhealthy foods and writing sarcastic articles. Virginia is the Online Editor for the 2011-12 school year and was a Managing Editor for the 2010-11 year but has not forgotten her humble beginnings as a staff writer when she was a wee sophomore. Her goals for the future are to get an A in newspaper and to apply to college in a timely fashion.
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