Two Hour Delay on Election Day

All over the country, citizens 18 and older will flock to the polls on November 8. Due to the amount of voters in North Carolina, Wake County Schools have decided that all public schools will operate on a two hour delay that day.

In a statement on their website, the school system says:

“All Wake County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay Tuesday, November 8 because of the anticipated high traffic on Election Day.”

The high traffic is evident already along Ray Road, cars are parked along the street outside of Lake Lynn Community Center, an early voting location.

Some Leesville students will be able to vote. Those seniors who are 18 or older, and have registered to vote may go to their polling place on November 8 or fill in an absentee ballot, which they send through the mail.

Though some students are using the extra time to vote, others, including those students too young to vote, are using the time for other purposes, such as hanging out with friends. Bri Reid, a senior, is registered to vote.

“I’m utilizing [the two hour delay] to go get breakfast with my friends and [then] I’m planning on doing an absentee ballot,” said Reid.

Other students may use the time to finish homework or catch up on sleep.

The buses will operate two hours later than scheduled on a normal day. Leesville will start at 9:18, instead of 7:18 and end at its regular time. Each class period will be 55 minutes, with the exception of second period, which is 57 minutes to allot time for the announcements. To find the specific bell schedule and class times, go here and find the “2 Hour Delay” schedule.

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