Christmas Cookie Celebration

This holiday season, the liaison held a cookie decorating party on December 14, 2016 in the Breezeway during all of SMART lunch. Throughout the year, the Leesville Liaisons hold a variety of events, from taking new students to the fall play to having new student lunches. The liaisons plan these events to introduce the new students to the Leesville community.

However, throughout the lunch, only about seven or eight students showed up. This isn’t due to a lack of communication, but that the new students have acclimated to Leesville and no longer need liaison help. The liaisons have done their job immersing the new students into the Leesville school community.

Eliza Bohinski, a sophomore, said that she definitely seen a change in the new students from the beginning of the year. “Yeah! I’ve definitely seen a change in the students from the beginning of the year until now. They are socializing more [compared to the beginning of the year] and aren’t as awkward,” said Bohinski.

The tradition of decorating cookies and welcoming new students is cherished here at Leesville. Being a new student can be overwhelming, and having people designated to help ease the transition is important. Plus, everyone loves decorating cookies!

One response to “Christmas Cookie Celebration”

  1. Just as a correction, we had a total of 18 new students sign in for this event. Thanks for covering our new student events!

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