Cheerleaders and Loonies welcome the Pride Lion

On Friday, September 17, KC Clarke made his debut as the Leesville Pride Lion, AKA the school mascot.

Clarke was chosen to be mascot after he auditioned for of a panel of eight judges on Tuesday, September 14. The auditioning students were asked to dance to the Leesville fight song, demonstrate a reaction to a Leesville touchdown or opposing team touchdown and dance alongside the cheerleaders, all while wearing the lion costume.

Clarke put on the best performance, therefore scoring the mascot position and the opportunity to perform at every game this season.

“I was nervous to walk onto the field for the first time on Friday but once I got out there it wasn’t scary,” said Clarke. “Everyone wanted to take pictures with me and I shook a lot of people’s hands. Lots of kids kept approaching me too. Playing with the kids was really fun.”

Throughout the game, Clarke put on an entertaining show with over-animated reactions to the team’s plays. “Exaggerating every move you make is the trick,” said Clarke. “The suit is really heavy so you need to push all of your gestures.”

Not only is the suit heavy, but it is also extremely hot. “You step into the suit and it’s hot and furry and real uncomfortable. It’s kinda like when you walk into grandma’s house in the summer and it’s all hot and stuffy and there’s no air. You get sweaty quick.”

Out of all the privileges Clarke earned with his new position, one thing stands out as a favorite. “I love hanging out with the cheerleaders! They help me into my suit, they dance with me on the field and they fan me and give me water when I take a break,” said Clarke of his companions. “Taylor Wooten takes especially good care of me. I could get used to that, I really could.”

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