Wave Em’ High: Leesville’s Color Guard

Bright, colorful flags flying in the air as students dance beneath them, completely in tune with the Symphonic band nearby. Rifles tossed in the sky as the group marches onward with determination.

While associated with band, this is a team all its own. This is Leesville’s Color Guard–also known as Auxiliary, supporting every home game, performing in marches, and dominating competitions as they combine dance and skill to enhance the band’s performance.

The team has rehearsals every morning, practices at night, and training during fourth period on the football field; all that hard work pays off in their performances, and the team has quite the impressive record. “Last year we got first place at every single competition,” Barbara Hinkey, the team captain, said. “We did that pretty much the year before, so we’ve been on a winning streak.”

 The constant practice during school isn’t their only time to bond. The team also has opportunities to get to know each other outside of school; “We get along really well all together and especially during band camp over the summer,” said Hinkey.

As the team continues to practice for this season, they have high hopes for the year to come.

Not only does the team need skill with equipment, they still have to be practiced with their instruments. The technical challenge of this activity makes performing seem daunting, but it all comes easy in time.

“[In technical terms] Just making sure you are good at your instruments so you can make it into Symphonic band… if you have the drive for it and you’re really working well on your instrument… there’s a good chance you can make it.” continued Hinkey.

The small team acts like a family –doing themed costumes during band camp, hanging out away from school, and building each other up in order to aid success. This isn’t just pretty flags and awesome choreography: this is a tight-knit family of strong-willed performers.

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