Lyons’s Prideful Kicks

Lyons's sweet Nikes
Lyons’s sweet Nikes


Principal Scott Lyons reached a new level of fabulousness this week. Lyons recently purchased a pair of superfly kicks to show off his school spirit every Friday. Thanks to athletic-footwear-giant Nike, Lyons could design and bring to life the shoes of his dreams: blue canvas with green swooshes and “PRIDE” printed across the tongue of each shoe.

He was willing to go to the extremes to display his spirit, taking great time and care to design the shoes, then spend $115, which is money well spent.

“I needed new shoes anyway, and I figured I would go ahead and spend the extra money to show off the school spirit,” he said with a smile.

“With each step he takes, Mr. Lyons leaves footprints of school spirit across our hearts,” raved Kelly Williamson, junior. “I’m a big fan of the shoes.”

Lyons’ stroke of creativity sparked a wave of curiosity throughout the school. In Leesville’s Newspaper class, editors and staff writers alike neglected their interviews and reporting to create their own fresh pair. Lyons may be at risk of his own students jocking his style.

“Our principal is a true genius,” gushed Arielle Emery, junior. “It makes me want to create my own shoes! That way, I can wear my school spirit on my feet too!”

With school pride now radiating from his Casual-Friday Leesville polo to the tips of his toes, Lyons represents the heart and soul of the quintessential Leesville Loonie, and we couldn’t be happier.


As we all know, Leesville’s school spirit is through the roof with its newly painted senior wall, ever growing Grill Team, and the best fans in the state, the Loonies. With this being Mr. Lyon’s first full year as principal it was questionable whether or not he would be able to fit in with the crazy atmosphere here at Leesville.

Mr. Lyon’s has shown his dedication by coming to every football game along with other sporting events, wearing his Pride blue and green polos on Friday. Now he has taken school spirit to a new level. He recently purchased personalized Leesville blue and green Nike shoes off of the Nike ID website.

The shoes cost Mr. Lyon’s around $115, but the money didn’t matter. “I needed new shoes anyway, and I figured I would go ahead and spend the extra money to show off the school spirit.”

Students love the shoes as well.

“The shoes are baller,” said Shane Freeman, senior. “My whole outfit doesn’t even cost $115 dollars.”

The shoes have proven Mr. Lyon’s loyalty to his new school, and now we know he will be staying with Leesville for awhile.

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