The powder puff season began just as it had in previous years: energetic, enthusiastic, and slightly murderous. The vast majority of the junior class’s females attended the information meeting October 1. Girls of all groups, cliques and backgrounds united to achieve one major goal: destroy the Class of X.
The coaches for the class of 2011, Bradley Millice, Alex Lawrence, Kyle Holtman, and Eric Michaud, are just as stoked as the girls.
Millice spoke of his plans for the four practices leading up to the game Thursday, October 29. “I want it to be fun,” he explained, “but I’m going to be serious. I want to show the girls what the football players go through.”
Millice shared his concerns about coaching a team of girls who have never played football before. “The hardest part of coaching is getting the girls to understand what they’re doing. Also, keeping their attention,” he stressed. “I have no idea how I’m going to deal with the drama, though.”
Another difficult task the coaches face is who to play and how to determine the amount of playing time for each girl. “My plan is to first focus on the athletes who have some knowledge of football. Then, I’ll have to consider who they will be up against in the senior class. I’ll need to match them up,” Millice said.
The coaches anticipate large contributions from students like Sarah Floyd and Brooke Johnson as well as other girls with similar athletic backgrounds and competitive drives. Floyd and Johnson are confident in their class’s chances at victory.
“We have lots of athletic girls, and there was a good turnout at the meeting,” said Johnson. “But our practices will probably be frustrating and disorganized. Focus is key for us.”
Despite the lack of nerves from the players, the coaches appear to be a different story.
“Believe me,” Millice said, “I’m nervous.”
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