Looking Forward to Spring Break

The countdown to spring break has begun for the students of Leesville Road High School. This annual break is the sneak peak of summer that all students long for. Each student will use this much needed break in their own way. Many visit North Carolina’s lovely beaches, others road trip to neighboring states, and some choose to just stay home and relax.

No matter how students enjoy their break, it is obviously a much needed rest.

For my spring break, I will be traveling to St. Lauderdale, Florida with two of my best friends. This will be my fourth and final high school spring break. I am looking forward to all of the memories that will be made over this break. The amusing car ride to our location as we blast our music loudly; the long days spent laying on the beach, tanning in the sand; wearing tank tops and cut-off shorts to stay cool in the hot weather. It’s so close, yet so far.

At this point, spring break is my number one motivating factor for attending school. I keep telling myself, “It’s only a couple weeks away” and “I can make it, just a few more days.” If I didn’t have my vacation to look forward to, I don’t know if I could push through these weeks of school.   

Although this time off is an enjoyable part of the year, it is a tease to all high schoolers. It leaves students longing for summer and a longer break from school. One of the toughest thing to do is return to school after a short spring break.

This break will give all students the rest and relief they will need in order to tackle the fourth quarter. No matter where this break is spent, one thing is for sure, April 13 needs to get here as soon as possible.

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