Most club interest meetings have already happened, and students are scrambling to get a spot in their favorite clubs with friends or personal interests in mind. Some clubs, like HOSA, Chess, Model UN, and many more are giving students a chance to find their spot of like-minded people in their club. Each club may look…

How to know what club is right for you

Most club interest meetings have already happened, and students are scrambling to get a spot in their favorite clubs with friends or personal interests in mind. Some clubs, like HOSA, Chess, Model UN, and many more are giving students a chance to find their spot of like-minded people in their club. Each club may look different, as club elections were run last year, and some clubs swapped presidents, each one leading their attendees in a different direction for the better. Other clubs, however, remained the same, keeping their members directed in the same direction as the last year. 

For students who would like to join a club, the request forms are on the LRHS website, as well as in Student Services. Clubs are a part of many students lives at Leesville, and some still have no clue which one they want to be a part of. Of course, there are interest meetings for just about every club in the school, so students will have some leeway because of those meetings. Some stress still remains, however, because there are only so many clubs a student can join in one year. Due to the new SMART lunch schedule, clubs can only meet on Mondays. For example, the Political Club only meets every third Monday of the month.

There are ways new students can get around this. The first step should be looking at clubs on the LRHS website, and finding a club that is suitable for what you want to do in the side. This could be like taking a small break from learning in core classes and doing something fun. If you want to work on public speaking, Speech and Debate is the club to go to. If you want to focus on real world problems, and see what it is like being at the table of the UN, Model UN is definitely for you.

The second step is making a plan for what clubs you want to attend. Have a plan in your mind for all four years knowing which club you want to attend, making sure each club complements one another. Maybe you will take Speech and Debate for the first year, HOSA for the next year, and using the combined skills you learned in each club, join Model UN. After that, you could take your fondness of all three previous clubs, taking a more advanced club, like NHS or Senior Class Council. It could also be the other way around. It all depends on what you are interested in.

The last step is acting on your plan. Making sure that everything is where you want it to be and you have what you want to take. Sure, there might be quirks in your schedule, or there might be friends in another club that you may want to join. Things change, but that shouldn’t get in your way to having a very successful year with your choice clubs at LRHS.

The student services office is a great way of getting more information on clubs as well as guidance and changing classes. This year, many students have made for the door of student services to get a form for club interest meetings. (Photo courtesy of Greyson Rupert)

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