Coverage: The Mycenaean covers news, events, issues and topics relevant to Leesville and the surrounding community. As a student-run newspaper, stories in the publication do not represent the views of LRHS, its faculty/administration or WCPSS.

Columns: By-lined columns express personal opinion and appear throughout the newspaper.

Advertising: To advertise with The Mycenaean, contact Ben Pope at We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. Any advertisement within the publication is not an indication of The Mycenaean’s or its staff members’ endorsement.

Distribution: Print issues are published four times a year, and copies are available for free in classrooms, in the front office and outside of room 240 for staff, students and parents.

Online Viewing: Articles are posted online regularly on the newspaper’s website,

Art Submissions: Any student who would like their art to be featured in The Mycenaean should contact one of the editors for submission. Artists interested in helping the staff create graphics and other visuals are welcome to submit their names as well. We reserve the right to refuse any submission.