The students in Wrayno’s tech theatre class are learning about costume design and how costumes are important in theatre. Normally this unit would be reserved for later on in the semester but because of virtual learning Wrayno has adapted and done units like costumes that are less hands on first with the hopes of being able to do the hands on units in the classroom. (Photo courtesy of Finn Greer)
Ms. Wryano, the tech theatre teacher, has had to come up with some innovative and new ways to teach her classes because of how hands-on her classes are.
“We’re kind of working backward,” said Ms. Wrayno in an interview over email about how she is trying to adapt to teaching online. She says they are doing “sound and costume units” in the lower level tech classes at the beginning of the semester since those are much easier to teach online compared to units like lights, sets, and construction.
She has to adapt even more for her higher level tech classes though. “ Normally we’d read the fall script to prepare for the fall play,” said Wrayno.
She talks about how instead of that they’ve been looking at the lots of resources online about the tech aspect of Hamilton that are online. “It’s definitely different, but we’re making the best of it.”
“This semester’s Tech 1 class has already been able to explore sound and sound effects on a deeper level than we’re in person due to having better access to technology,” said Wrayno about the benefits of being online. The only big challenge for them has been getting technology to cooperate with them.
The students in Ms. Wrayno’s class can tell that she has been trying hard to adapt and they think she has been doing a good job in a tough situation. “She has been really good at trying to do team building activities and we do a question circle everyday to learn more about each other” said Emily Sloman, a junior in Wrayno’s high level tech class, in an interview over text.
“Ms. Wrayno is in her element which makes her a much better teacher,” said Finn Greer, a junior in the lower level tech class, about how Wrayno has adapted to online learning, in an interview over text. Although there were roadblocks for Wrayno with virtual learning, she has done a great job at adapting.
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