Swann named Teacher of the Year

On November 8, Mr. Swann was named Leesville Road High School’s teacher of the year. Swann has been an instructor with the Special Programs department of Leesville for eight years.

Swann was caught off guard by the recognition when it was announced during a faculty meeting. “I was surprised when Mr. Lyons announced [my nomination]. I didn’t even realize that I was supposed to go up and shake Mr. Lyons’ hand until he walked over to me in my seat.”

“[When I found out that I was nominated] I was flattered, because it’s nice to have your hard work recognized,” said Swann.

Because of his work in the Special Programs department, Swann’s responsibilities are different from those of other teachers. “Being a Special Programs teacher, I spend a great deal of my personal time researching legal issues that other teachers don’t [have to know].”

Besides his needs for different knowledge, there are many things that set Swann apart from his colleagues. “I spend a lot of time communicating what I know to other people,” said Swann. “I am fortunate in that…I know my students better than some [other] teachers do.”

Ms. Brammer, another Special Programs teacher, knows Swann first-hand after co-chairing the department with Swann in the 2008-09 school year. Because of their contact over the years, Brammer was not surprised when Swann was awarded Teacher of the Year. “I definitely feel he deserves the nomination and recognition – without a doubt,” Brammer confirmed.  

Swann acknowledges that this recognition is not an opportunity to stop trying or to stop becoming an even better teacher. “Leesville is full of wonderful teachers,” Swann said of his colleagues. “It’s an honor to be recognized, and I still have a lot to learn.”

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