Due to COVID-19, school events and traditions are being altered. October is generally the month of Homecoming; however, the pandemic is causing there to be some switch-ups on school traditions.  In order to provide students with some sort of celebratory experience for Homecoming, Leesville’s Executive Council has set Fall Fest.  Though Hoco week is undergoing…

Introducing Fall Fest Week

Due to COVID-19, school events and traditions are being altered. October is generally the month of Homecoming; however, the pandemic is causing there to be some switch-ups on school traditions. 

In order to provide students with some sort of celebratory experience for Homecoming, Leesville’s Executive Council has set Fall Fest.  Though Hoco week is undergoing many changes, one thing remains the same–Spirit Week.

The theme for Fall Fest Spirit Week is “Glow In The Dark.” Spirit Week will begin on October 19th and run until the end of the school week (the 23rd). As school is virtual at the moment, spirit will be as well. During virtual classes students can show their school spirit, and participate in the daily themes. The LRHS yearbook will be opening forms so students can send in spirit wear pictures, and get a chance to be in the 2020-2021 yearbook.

Themes for Spirit Week

  • Day One: “Mask Monday,” wear your favorite mask.
  • Day Two: “Hawaiian Out Tuesday,” wear Hawaiian apparel.
  • Day Three: “Class Colors Wednesday,” wear the color assigned to your class. Freshmen will wear white; Sophomores, grey; Juniors, navy; Seniors, green; Teachers/Staff, red.
  • Day Four: “Hat Thursday,” wear your favorite hat.
  • Day Five: “Neon-Out Friday,” wear neon apparel.


The Leesville senior tradition to decorate senior crowns will continue this year during Fall Fest. Seniors can pick up crowns from in front of the school October 12 and 13 from 3:30-5-50, October 14 from 11:15-12:45, and October 15 from 2:30-4:00. Seniors, pick up a crown and decorate to show off during Leesville’s Fall Fest!

Leesville traditionally has a Hoco parade which involves the school’s clubs, organizations, and teams parading through student and staff spectators. 

However, this year for Fall Fest roles will be reversed. Clubs will create displays that will be set up in a parade manner, so spectators can pass by. The Fall Fest parade will be on October 23 from 6:00-7:30. Students who are club members should check in with their club’s President or Teacher Advisor in order to gather more information about the club’s role in Fall Fest, and potentially get an opportunity to participate in some display creations. 

A thank you to Leesville’s Staff and Executive Council for coordinating this year’s Fall Fest week and event.

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