COVID-19 tests are now easier, faster, and more available to the public. Drive-through testing is now a popular way for people to get back results fast. (Photo Courtesy: Public Domain) Over the past couple of months, scientists and doctors have improved the ways of testing for the COVID-19 vaccine. Scientists have found faster, safer, and…

What to expect during a COVID-19 Test

COVID-19 tests are now easier, faster, and more available to the public. Drive-through testing is now a popular way for people to get back results fast. (Photo Courtesy: Public Domain)

Over the past couple of months, scientists and doctors have improved the ways of testing for the COVID-19 vaccine. Scientists have found faster, safer, and easier tests for all parties involved. 

At the start of this worldwide pandemic doctors and scientists did not know much about it. The unknown has made it hard to create effective ways to test for COVID-19. In the beginning, tests were limited and took many days or even weeks, for results to come back. Rationing tests and waiting for results caused more stress for patients. 

The ways of testing have changed since the start to be easier now. As well as going to the doctors to get tested, many counties have free drive through testing sites. 

When you arrive at the drive-through, a worker will supply you with your test right at your car window. As well as the test, instructions on how to set up the online portion are included as well. After scanning a QR code on your test vile, an information sheet about you will be available online. This information is how your results will get to you once they have come in. After verifying your information, you have to swab your nostrils for the test. Following a quick 5 seconds in each nostril, you break off half the swab into your testing vile. The last step is to have your test collected by a worker to be sent off to the lab. 

Rapid tests take at least seven hours to complete after reaching the lab. Depending on how busy the test sites are will affect how long it takes to get results.

While these tests have come a long way in being more accurate, false positives and negatives still occur. Along with these false results, you can test positive for the virus up to 14 days after first exposure. This means a false test result does not rule out the possible infection to others. These are the reasons why quarantining after exposure is so important. 

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