Senior Sports Spotlight: Megan Dooley

Megan Dooley (pictured right) has been playing volleyball for Leesville all four years of high school. She has gotten close with her teammates over the years, and recalls some of her favorite memories such as marching for the homecoming parade. (photo used by permission of LRHSVolleyball Twitter)

Megan Dooley has played on the Leesville Road High School Volleyball team since freshman year. She has been on JV for two years and varsity for the last two years of her high school career. Her dedication to the sport shows not only through the school team but also her club volleyball team. 

Dooley has been playing club volleyball for 7 years at the NC volleyball academy, winning gold in a Charlotte Tournament for her 17s club team. Dooley has countless memories from her club and school teams, but her favorite one is “walking in the homecoming parade every year as a team,” said Dooley over text. Her connection with her teammates has strengthened over the years, and the memories she has made will last forever. 

Dooley has influenced the team strongly, with her support for her teammates bringing them to success. “I will miss getting to play my favorite sport with my teammates,” wrote Dooley. Her connection to the sport as well as her team has made volleyball an influential part of her life. 

In the future, Dooley wishes to attend college and study meteorology there. Her determination to get any task done will certainly help her along the way. Dooley’s mental strength combined with her kindness shows how much of an influence she left on the team this year. Dooley’s advice to her younger teammates would be, “to have fun and don’t take your season for granted because the 4 years go by very quick!” 

As a senior, her last volleyball season for the school has ended, but the memories she has made and the impact she has left won’t be forgotten easily.

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