Students register for 2011-2012 classes

From February 14 to March 11 Leesville counselors will be meeting with junior class students to discuss a variety of topics that deal with high school and post-high school plans.  

Over the course of this twenty-five day period, five counselors will see roughly twelve juniors a day. Each individual conference takes about twenty to thirty minutes.

“We have been quite busy lately,” said Philomena Karol, counselor. “But we understand that their [class of 2012] senior year is important and what we are doing will help lay a foundation for their career that is to come.”

Earlier this month, counselors addressed the entire class of 2012 and shared information with them about the junior course registration process. In this meeting, the counselors encouraged students to talk to their parents about future course selections and post-high school plans.

“The meeting was very informative,” said Michael Meli, junior. “I will definitely have to speak to my parents about my senior year to coordinate the best classes for success.”

At the end of the assembly, students left the auditorium with a course list for the 2011-2012 school year.

Similarly, at the end of the one-on-one counselor meeting, students will leave the counselor’s office with a green folder.

“We give them [class of 2012] this green folder to take to their parents so that their parents can help encourage them to plan ahead and not wait until their senior year to work it all out,” said Karol.

This folder contains a school transcript, a completed course selection list, an instruction sheet for juniors on how to enter course selections into Student/Parent Access Network (SPAN), a graduation checklist and highlights from the Junior Planning guide.

“The counselors gave a very strong message to me in my junior conference,” said Meli. “I intend to plan things out early, so that I can enjoy senior year with the rest of my classmates.”

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