Leesville Road Gymnastics team continued their successful season by winning the CAP 6 Conference Championship. Maggie Holman represented Leesville by winning CAP 6 best all-around gymnast.  The team competed in 4 other meets as well. Conference rules require 3 girls to be present at the meet in order to qualify for a team score. At…

Leesville Gymnastics Wins Cap 6 Conference Championship

Leesville Road Gymnastics team continued their successful season by winning the CAP 6 Conference Championship. Maggie Holman represented Leesville by winning CAP 6 best all-around gymnast. 

The team competed in 4 other meets as well. Conference rules require 3 girls to be present at the meet in order to qualify for a team score.

At the three meets the team competed in before the conference meet, there were never enough gymnasts present to complete as a team. Therefore, the team had never won all together before. 

In a regular meet, Leesville competes against teams from several conferences, not just in the CAP 6. On average there are 16-17 school teams broken up into 2-3 sessions that compete at the meets. 

The CAP 6 Conference Meet

On Saturday, October 30, all four girls were present to take on three Broughton, Enloe, and Athens Drive — all from the CAP 6 Conference. 

There were several meet’s going on at the gym the conference meet took place at, which made the nerves run a little higher. 

“We weren’t the only conference meet taking place at the gym that day, so walking in and seeing a bunch of people not only competing against us was pretty hectic and a little nerve-racking,” said Carson Miller, a freshman on the team. 

Miller, who is also a varsity cheerleader for Leesville, decided to do gymnastics not only because she enjoys competing in the sport but she really loves to be around the other gymnasts.

“I chose to do gymnastics even though I am on the cheer team because I love to spend time with the girls. All the other girls on the gymnastics team are year-round gymnasts, but being able to compete with them every once in a while is something I really look forward to,” said Miller. 

Even though the gymnasts train at other gyms, the team only has one practice a week for an hour, and not every girl attends every meet, they still have a close bond. 

Going into the conference meet, the team knew they could win if they all did their part. 

“We didn’t really watch anyone else’s scores or anything, we were just focused on what we were doing,” said Maggie Holman, a junior on the team. 

“We had kept to ourselves almost the whole time, and the one time we started watching, we saw a girl score a 10 on bars, and we were all kinda just like wow ok dang,” said Miller. 

They knew they had a good chance because only one of their girls fell on one of the events.

“Towards the middle of the meet, we figured we would be top 3 at least, but at the end, we realized that was one of the best meets we’ve had and we had a chance of winning the whole thing,” said Holman.  

“The conference meet was the largest meet we had gone to so I was a little nervous to compete but it felt great to go out and win,” said Anna Sendall, a freshman on the team. 

“Winning the CAP 6 conference was really cool and something that I was super glad I got to experience with my team. Hearing them announce our name was relieving and exciting,” said Miller. 

CAP 6 Gymnast of the Year: Maggie Holman 

Maggie’s favorite event is floor. It’s not only her best event, but she loves dancing, tumbling, and showing off her personality. (Photo used by permission of Maggie Holman) 


Holman has been taking gymnastics classes since she was two years old and started competing when she was five. She is currently a level 10 gymnast at Superior Gymnastics. 

Even though she trains 20 hours a week, she decided to join the Leesville team her freshman year for the team experience.

“I just love being able to compete with a team because club gymnastics is more of an individual sport. I wanted the opportunity to compete for a team, and it is even cooler that it is for my school,” said Holman. 

“I love my teammates. We are all super close, support each other, and want the best,” said Holman. 

As a loyal member of the Leesville gymnastics community for years, she is well-deserving of the gymnast of the year award for all of her hard work and dedication. 

The judges decided gymnast of the year by looking at the gymnast’s previous meets. It was Holman’s performance at the conference meet that sealed the deal. “I don’t think I would’ve won the award if I didn’t do so well at the conference meet, I placed first overall,” said Holman. 

In previous meets, Holman never scored below a 9.00 on an event. Her best event score this year was at the meet before the conference meet — a perfect 10.00 on bars. 


Congratulations to the Leesville Gymnastics team for winning the CAP 6 Conference. 

The Gymnastics team competed in states this past weekend, on November 6th. All four girls scored well, but the team placed 7th overall.

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