Smith qualifies for regionals… twice

On March 23, Aaron Smith, senior, qualified for the regional championship meet with a 1600 meter (mile) time of 4:30. This marks the third time in two weeks where Smith has become eligible to compete in a regional event.

Apart from the mile, Smith already qualified in the 800 meter (half mile) and the 3200 meter (two mile) events. The season is only four weeks old and Smith has met the requirements for every individual, long-distance track event offered.

“Feels good that I’m in good shape early on so that I can work on my speed and endurance later in the season rather than on qualifying,” said Smith. “It gives you an edge on the competition.”

Athletes must reach a certain time in a CAP8 meet by the end of the regular season to compete in the regional championship meet. The required times are usually difficult to achieve and very few make it to the meet.

To qualify for regionals, male athletes must run a 2:03 in the 800 meter event, a 4:35 in the 1600 meter race and a 10:05 in the 3200 meter event. Smith ran a 2:03 in the half-mile, a 4:30 in the mile and a 9:52 in the two-mile.

Although the meet will not take place until May 7, Smith will not slack through the rest of the season.

“Until then, I will work hard in practice and smash the competition when its game time,” said Smith. “In school, in conference, in regionals and in states.”

One response to “Smith qualifies for regionals… twice”

  1. Smith qualified in the 800 meters, 1600 meters, and 3200 meters. A 1600, though approximately a mile, is actually shorter. The mile is a separate race, and 1609.344 meters. Many people use the terms interchangeably, but they are not the same.

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