Freshman Taking Exams for First Time

Many freshman taking exams are nervous for their first high school exam experience. A regular exam for a class usually covers everything from one unit, while a final exam for a class covers all the units learned. 

LRHS dedicates a week at the end of each semester for students to take their final exams. Usually you will have a day dedicated to one exam, but some days you will take two exams in one day. 

Last year’s freshman class at LRHS did not take in-person final exams in the first semester. This year’s freshman at LRHS will be able to take final exams in the high school building this year. 

Faris EL Hicheri, LRHS freshman, said,  “I am pretty nervous for my final exams. It feels like I have never taken a test this important before so I want to leave a great first impression for my other exams I have to take throughout high school.” El Hicheri believes that he needs to leave a great first impression by doing well on his first semester exams. 

Mac Crocker, another freshman at LRHS, said, “This year feels a lot different than last school year already, getting back into the hang of things school wise has been nice but when it comes to final exams I’m pretty nervous. Right now I don’t feel prepared to do well on my final exams yet. I need to start studying a little more if I want to do well on my exams.” 

Going back over each unit you covered in a class is a very important part of studying for your exams. 

Crocker also said, “I don’t want to dedicate all my free time to studying for my exams because I have other things going on right now so I am trying to find a solution to find time to study.” 

Going into the weekend prior to exams requires some preparation. Even just looking over the material for your exam can be extremely helpful just to refresh your memory about the topics. Use the time given to you wisely to prepare yourself for your exams. 

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