Operation: Save the Senior Issue a success!

Photo courtesy of Matt Conrad

On Friday, April 29, the newspaper staff’s deadline to raise money for the senior issue expired. In the end, it was several dollars away from not producing this annual issue.

“There would be no senior issue if it weren’t for the efforts of the newspaper students,” said Eric Broer, newspaper advisor.

The senior issue is the largest and most expensive issue to produce.

When creating a newspaper, the staff must raise every dollar needed to fund the issue. Throughout the year, the administration has made it clear that they will not use their budget for newspapers.

“The budget is always tight at Leesville,” said Broer. “It is a student-run newspaper. They [the administration] already provide software, computers and other supplies. It is not fair for them to put up the money.”

The issue costs roughly $750 to produce. Up until about three weeks ago, Broer had half that total in hand.

“Frankly, I was worried but at the same time in the back of my mind I felt a faint assurance that we would emerge victorious,” said Jon Wendt, staff writer.

Usually, the newspaper staff would sell ads in order to raise the money. Throughout the year, the newspaper staff collected very few business ads and little attention from the community stores.

Through efforts provided by Will Bennett, staff writer, and Wendt, the senior issue gained several new ad contracts boosting funds to $500.

“Without me, we wouldn’t have ran a senior issue,” said Bennett. “Without me, the class would’ve crumbled into ruin. Without me, nobody would’ve had a chance to exhibit their writing abilities. In fact, we should change the name of the newspaper to the Will Bennett Star.”

When the ad business failed to raise the necessary amount, editors turned to senior wills. At a cost of five dollars per senior will, the class raised another $60 but still had much more to cover.
Editors also turned to donations from friends and family.

After three weeks of hard work, the newspaper staff fell roughly $200 short with one day left until the deadline. At that point, Mr. Broer had given up trying to raise money through ads. He eventually told the staff to collect it by any means necessary, as long as it was legal.

“I knew Broer would cave; he always does,” said Woong-Soo Lee, staff writer. “I mean this has been going on ever since Broer joined the staff. So I am pretty sure it will be a perennial thing, just like I wake up everyday in the morning.”

In order to fund the issue, Bennett and Brendan Marks, staff writer, instructed every staff member to bring in at least $12.

The staff had collected the $750 before the deadline. They even gathered enough for their own business card-sized ad that they will use to advertise for the class.

“I’m going to create a subliminal message in the advertisement,” said Bennett. “You may not see it but just keep looking and you’ll find it.”

Although the hard work has paid off so far, they will continue to work for another three weeks for the layout deadline on May 20.

“It’s gonna be hard, but we are going to try as hard as possible to supply the senior issue to the student body. I will put as much sweat, blood and tears needed to make sure this newspaper gets published,” said Wendt.

One response to “Operation: Save the Senior Issue a success!”

  1. Andrea Scheviak Avatar
    Andrea Scheviak

    Many LRHS parents are small business owners and others, who you may not have reached with your requests, would be willing to donate. Next year, I suggest submitting a request for ads and donations via the LRHS PTSA Yahoo email group. Contact any PTSA board member for more information!

    Andrea Scheviak
    LRHS PTSA President 2010-2011

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