Auditions Approach for Spring Musical

With auditions for the spring musical just around the corner, Leesville Road High School students are excited and nervous for the upcoming event. 

This year the LRHS theater department will perform The Sound of Music as their production of choice. Many students are excited for the musical and the chance to play roles like Liesl, Captain Georg von Trapp, and of course the lead role of Maria Ranier, the beloved and spirited Governess of the von Trapp children. 

Johnny Pohlman, senior, is one of the many students vying for a role in the spring musical. Pohlman began acting in fifth grade when he scored a role in Leesville Elementary’s school play. Since then, he has acted in multiple productions, scoring lead roles in both middle and high school. 

“In Beauty and the Beast I was Gaston. I’ve been mostly the villain, it’s a common theme that I’m a villain. In high school, I played a villain freshman year. Sophomore year we didn’t really do anything because of Covid, and last year I was a lead in the fall play, but then I was a fun character in the musical,” he said. 

As for singing, he began practicing vocals freshman year of high school.  

In order to prepare, Pohlman began practicing his required monologue and song weeks ago. His song of choice? “This Nearly Was Mine” from the musical South Pacific. 

“Before break, I found a song because you need a minute song and a minute monologue, and then just some background information on a character so I can base myself off that,” he said. “I picked a song before break and during break I found a monologue and I’ve been rehearsing that over and over.” 

Also trying out for the school musical is Anderson Fox, senior. 

Fox is a long time fan of musicals and acting, her passion for the art having began as a child.

“I’ve been acting and singing as long as I can remember but I’ve been dancing for fourteen years,” she said. 

Fox’s interest in the theater arts shows through her participation in school musicals at Leesville in past years. Similarly to Pohlman, she has earned notable roles in many of the school’s recent productions. 

“I was in Annie last year and I played Grace. I was in And Then There Were None last year and The Great All American Musical Disaster a couple of months ago,” said Fox. 

As for which role they want, neither have a preference for their position in the play, rather they look forward to a chance to act and sing in their last production before college. 

“I’m really just excited to do it, I don’t have a specific idea [for a role] yet I’ll just see what happens.” said Fox.

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