Opinions on Finals Week

With the end of the semester arriving soon, exams are on many students’ minds. 

Freshman, sophomores, and juniors will all have to take final exams. Some seniors will have to take finals if they are in a CTE class or if they have an EOC. Additionally, they will also have to take a final if they have below a C in the class.

For freshmen, this is the first time they will have to take exams. 

Taylor Marek, freshman, is nervous about the exams in the upcoming weeks and is going to prepare by studying. 

“I am kinda nervous about them, but I am going to study by looking over work from this year… But I will feel good about it if I study like I am supposed to,” said Marek.

Siena Trainor, freshman, feels nervous about taking the exams in the upcoming weeks.

“I am nervous about my English and Spanish exam, but I think that my others will be fine,” said Trainor. 

Sophomores have more experience with final exams. When sophomores were asked how they felt, they didn’t seem too nervous. 

Sam Brown, sophomore, feels confident in his exam-taking abilities now that he has done it before. Feeling confident helps students go into exams with an open mind. 

“For me, I feel a little worried as I want to make a good grade on my exams, especially in English, but I have done it before so I know I will be fine,” said Brown.

Lamaya Thomas, sophomore, is also confident in her exam-taking abilities.

“I am both anxious and confident about taking my exams because they will determine whether I passed the classes with a good grade or not, but I have also taken exams before so it makes me a little bit more confident,” said Thomas.

Juniors have one more year of required finals left. Juniors have the hang of things and are well-equipped to take an exam successfully.

Truman Ranney, junior, has multiple exams he has to prepare for but, is feeling confident going into test taking. 

“I feel like I am pretty prepared for exams. I feel like I’m going to maintain everything I have been doing this semester. I’m going to study hard and make sure I go over all of my notes and do well,” said Ranney.

Seniors will not have to take any exams unless they are in a CTE class or have an EOC. Seniors are ecstatic about not having to take exams. 

Chelsea Thomas, senior, is very excited that she does not have to take any exams. 

“I’m really excited because I remember doing exams last year and they were really difficult. Now I don’t even have to study, so this last week is kinda a freebie,” said Thomas.

Bo Groff, senior, is also extremely excited to have a week off with no exams. 

“I’m really excited to not have to take exams. It’s definitely made the end of the semester a lot better. I haven’t had to stress about studying for finals. I also get a full week off from school… I remember when I was an underclassman I would hear about the seniors all taking days off from school because they didn’t have finals. It’s nice that I get to experience that now,” said Groff.

Finals week stresses the underclassman out, but the seniors are very happy they don’t have to take exams.

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