Class of 2024, welcome to senior year! We are almost done, but there are some steps to be take before we can celebrate.
The information and due dates below are compiled to support seniors about events and opportunities during the school year. If you have questions, please feel free to contact your counselor or look for more updates in the ‘All Things Class of 2024’ document.
Senior Timeline of Events (as of 09/06)
- ASAP- Sign up for Remind
Sign up for Remind to get texts throughout the year on senior information and events. Sign up by last name by texting the corresponding code to 81010 or follow these Remind Instructions.
A-Cl @e493h9
Co-Go @b9kd763
Gr-K @d99f7gg
L-O @3cg929
P-Sl @8kh9k4h
Sm-Z @68hg3k
- ASAP- Senior Fees (OSPS)
Senior Fees assist with the cost of senior picnic, graduation reception, and diploma cover. This is a $40 one-time fee.
- September 21, 2023- Senior Portraits (in- school session)
If you have not taken your official Senior Portrait, we will have an on-campus session on 9/21/23 in the multipurpose room. If you have any questions, please stop by room 223 and speak to Ms. Tabron.
If you wish to take these at a later time, make sure to book your off-campus session. The deadline is November 1st. No exceptions will be made.
- September 25, 2023- Transcripts Available
- Official transcripts will not be available until after the 20th day of the school year (September 25)
- Official GPA and Class Rank will not be available until the week of September 25.
- If a student needs to upload their transcript into Common App or another application portal, they must wait until after Sept 25.
- ALSO- very important: If a student needs their counselor to write a recommendation letter they must add their counselor to their desired application portal and fill out the Student Profile form, that way counselors can provide a well written, thoughtful letter.
- October 31, 2023- Order your Cap and Gown
Take advantage of the school’s group pricing early and place your cap and gown order!
*If you are borrowing a cap & gown from a previous LRHS graduate, that is fine as well, but please call Jostens to order a class of 2024 hood & tassel (919.789.8500).
- January 1, 2024- Mid- Year Graduation
Mid- Year graduation will take place January 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the LRHS auditorium. Friends and family are welcome.
- June 9, 2024- Year End Graduation
Graduation will take place at 12:00 pm Sunday, June 9 at the Raleigh Convention Center.
Other Important Links:
- Schedule a 1 on 1 meeting with your counselor
- Order your yearbook + place an ad
- Scholarship Information (Monthly Bulletins)
- College Visits at LRHS
- Planning Guide/ Transcript Directions
Finally, remember to keep checking the LRHS instagram (@leesvilleroadhs) and be on the lookout for more class updates!

Hi! My name is Elena Faddoul, and I am a senior editor at The Mycenaean. In my free time, I like to read and spend time with family and friends.
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