Are AP classes worth it?

Several classes have an AP version available to the students at Leesville. Some students choose to take the classes, but many wonder if taking AP classes is worth it.

Advanced Placement, more commonly known as AP classes, are college-level courses available in a multitude of subjects to all grade levels.

“When it was described to me it was supposed to be not as hard, but it was pretty hard,” said Jeremy Vargas, sophomore. Jeremy dropped the AP Psychology course.

AP Psychology is one of several AP courses available to sophomores here at Leesville. Juniors and Seniors make up a majority of the students taking AP classes here at Leesville. 

Amira Legget, senior, said, “AP lang, AP psych, AP US History,  AP stat, there was another one I took last year, APES  AP environmental, and then I’m taking AP lit.”

“It depends on what you want to do, if you want to get scholarships and like, go to a big college where there’s a lot of competition then yes,” said Legget. 

Amira talks about the importance of APs, specifically to Juniors who are trying to impress colleges.

There’s an importance to doing several APs in different subjects, “If you don’t I would recommend taking a couple in your strong areas, like if you’re a math person, science person, something like that,” said Legget. She describes the importance of taking APs no matter what you plan to do in life. 

Students have lots of different opinions on whether APs are worth it or not. Some students like Jeremy say the hardest part is “the Workload” and drop out, but others argue that if  “you want to go and compete competitively in college then yes” it’s worth it as said by Amira.

APs can be a struggle but are worth it for sophomores, juniors, and especially seniors who are looking to impress colleges.

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