Leesville has arranged to have a Homecoming Dance this fall for the first time in several years. The dance will be on Friday, October 13 from 10:00-12:00 PM and directly after the Homecoming football game. Tickets are on sate on Online School Payments for $7.00 until October 6.  The LRHS Executive Council created a Google…

Leesville set to have Homecoming Dance this year

Leesville has arranged to have a Homecoming Dance this fall for the first time in several years. The dance will be on Friday, October 13 from 10:00-12:00 PM and directly after the Homecoming football game. Tickets are on sate on Online School Payments for $7.00 until October 6. 

The LRHS Executive Council created a Google Form for students to fill out, asking about their opinions on where, when, and how the Homecoming dance should be held. 

After extensive consideration, they have decided that the dance will be held as a casual event rather than a traditional formal; the dress code is whatever you show up to cheer at the football game in. 

“Having a casual Homecoming Dance means that the football players can definitely be able to come after their game,” said Mary Gaddy, junior and active member of the Executive Council. “Also, the tickets will be cheaper, and kids who might not have enough money will be able to come and not have to worry about being able to afford an outfit.” 

“I’m excited to go to the Homecoming Dance because I get to spend a lot of time with my friends and dance and have fun,” said Gabby Cueto, sophomore. “I’m happy it’s a casual event because it’s right after the game and I don’t have the pressure of doing my hair and makeup, or getting a dress.”

While the LRHS Executive Council is excited to arrange the dance, they are still deciding on where it will be held. 

“We’re hoping for it to be the gym, but there’s talk of the cafeteria…we’ve had it in the multi-purpose room in the past, but we’d be hoping for the gym because the gym has the best lighting and the most room.”

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