the Military coming to recruit at Leesville

Every once in a while, military recruiters happen to visit our school. These recruiters, often from multiple different branches of our military, post up a small stand with a plethora of pamphlets and souvenirs for students.  The school has hosted these recruiter meetings for years, but how do they benefit students?

Beyond the obvious answer of ‘recruitment’, these recruiters are here to benefit students in discovering their future. Although many people have their lives planned out, others don’t.  The ability to weigh the pros and cons of each career path, including military service, is vital in choosing what a student wants to do with their lives.  Ms. Andrews, Leesville’s career counselor, explained how their goal is to “help students realize the different paths they can take.”

The recruiters are also of value for people who are confused about what careers the military offers.  Many students planning on a career in the military do not know what options are available to them.  According to Deyondre Washington, Leesville’s assigned Navy recruiter, “(Our goal) is to provide information and awareness about the Navy.”

Students have also expressed their interest and enjoyment in these visits.  The recruiter stands usually have gifts, such as keychains and branded water bottles.  The recruiters also often host pullups, pushups, and other exercise activities for students. “You can usually talk to them about their experiences… usually they make you do pushups for the things on the desks and I do,” Jake Kriwox, sophomore. 

Multiple different branches are planned to visit the school possibly every other week according to Ms. Andrews.  Anyone with an interest in the military or anyone weighing out their future career options is freely encouraged to ask any questions. 

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