LRHS Seniors see November 1 deadline fast approaching

As November 1, the deadline for most early application colleges, approaches, many Leesville seniors find themselves stressing over their various applications. 

A common question under colleges in Common App is “preferred admission plan,” and many students chose “early action.” Other options include early decision, regular decision, or rolling admissions.

Earling action, unlike early decisions, is not binding but instead increases students’ chances of being accepted and earning scholarships. Some colleges, such as UNC and South Carolina, early action applications were due October 15, but many students find the November 1 deadline much more common.

“After submitting my UNC application by the October 15 deadline, I felt relieved. However, the stress quickly returned as I was reminded of the November 1 deadlines for the rest of my applications,” said Carson Thorne, senior. 

Applying to colleges and universities comes with many stress factors, and the close deadline only makes it more difficult. 

Most students started their main “Common App personal essay” over summer break to prepare for when applications opened on August 1st. 

Valeigh Houser, senior, said, “I began my essay over the summer to better prepare myself and utilize my time wisely.”

In addition to the personal essay, which can be on any topic of the writer’s choice, most colleges ask applicants to write specific supplemental essays to further their knowledge of the student. Early action Leesville students and students around the nation will be hard at work until November 1 to take full advantage of the little time given.

“I continue to work daily on my college essays to get them done by November 1 to take advantage of early action. I will be very excited when I am finished and able to decide where I will go next,” said Thorne. 

These monumental essays are in place to determine seniors’ future in education and career choices as they navigate the next chapter of their lives. If November 1 seems too soon to make such important life choices, there is always early acceptance and rolling admissions, extending the deadlines for those who need it. 

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