Why would a student want to own a car?
Many students dream of owning a car in high school. If someone has their license, too, it offers students multiple things — freedom, independence, and a way to be with friends without a parent or guardian having to drive.
Owning a car is unfortunately not perfect in every way. There are big responsibilities depending on if rent is owed on the car, gas on the car, or even maintenance. Students face many challenges when they first get a car and can use it at will.
“I saved up at my job to get the Kia I have now. It’s a little old, and I’ve had to search up YouTube videos to fix it but I think it’s worth it,” said Adrien Pagan, junior.
As said above, there are many pros, such as freedom and independence once students own a car. People can now drive alone to school, restaurants, friends houses, work, and many other places. This can take the responsibility off of parents or guardians to take children everywhere, which is very helpful with busy families and everyone needing to go somewhere.
“I got my license recently, and it’s been really nice. I can get food when I want, which is really nice and I don’t have to beg my parents to take me anywhere,” said Cooper Childs, sophomore.
This can reduce parents’ stress and if students are able to drive on their own, they can get groceries or run errands, therefore making everyone’s lives easier.
Instead of waiting for the bus or to get picked up in carpool, students can now park in the school’s parking lot. This saves a lot of time, and in case parents are busy, people can leave right after school ends.
The best way to learn something is through experience, so by letting students own a car they learn responsibility and learn to deal with real life situations or challenges.
If someone is old enough to drive and work, there are job opportunities that allow people to deliver food, which can help save money for college or other things for their future.
Owning a car can often be expensive due to many factors. One way is people can get a used car. It could have problems already or have a higher chance of something going wrong.
Teens now have lots of access to devices and are on them a lot. If they use phones while driving, not only is it illegal, it’s a big distraction. It’s hard to focus on two things at once and this could potentially lead to an accident.
“I don’t have a car right now because I don’t really need one, and I have friends that can take me places if I really need or want to go,” said Caydenden Kroll, sophomore.
If someone is on the road far from home it can be stressful in case something goes wrong, not everyone knows how to replace a tire, for example.
What to think about before getting a car
Is it affordable?
If students don’t have a job, money saved, or have parent’s help, it might not be the best time to get a car. There is lots of time to get a car in the future, and being in a friends or parents’ car is fine.
Is it necessary?
Not every student needs a car and getting one could be unnecessary. For example, if someone lives close to the school, it could make more sense for a parent to drive them.
Alternatives for not owning a car
- Carpooling: sharing rides with friends or family
- Public transportation: taking the bus to school or work, trains or subways also work.
- Walking or biking: If something is in close distance, walking or biking can save money
In conclusion, there are both pros and cons to owning a car in highschool. Students can try new things, or find new places. It’s a choice between the parents and the child if they want to get a car. There are many factors to look at when buying a car and there are lots of safety measures and responsibilities. It’s possible to live life without one, so it’s okay to not have a car, especially if it is not needed immediately.
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