Gay marriage controversy in NC

The North Carolina General Assembly met on Monday, September 12 to vote on the banning of same-sex marriage. Within two days the amendment was passed to keep marriage between a man and a women. The state will have to wait until May 2012 to write that into the state constitution. 

This has upset a large portion of our student body, but some are glad that this could be put into our constitution.

“Yeah, I’m against it [same-sex relationships]. It’s not in the bible,” said Bradley Hart, junior.

Many people in our community share the same views. There were several hundred supporters behind the legislative building Monday morning, who say it’s time to let the people vote on the question of same-sex marriage.

“It’s[same-sex marriage] just not right,” agreed Chris Phinney.

There were also about 50,000 postcards made by people opposing this idea, urging our lawmakers to stop the amendment. They, like some of our own students and friends, feel people should have the freedom to be with whomever they choose.

“In this day and age, it’s just ridiculous to think that it’s not okay. I’m trying to get as many people as I can to vote against this, because this will affect so many people,” said Ben Clark, senior.

“To think that people will lose the pursuit of happiness, because people are telling them how to live their lives, is just not right, to me. People are entitled to love who they love without laws restricting them from showing it,” agreed Ethan Kratt, freshman.

The LBGTQ at UNC Chapel Hill, like many other organizations, will be working to inform people about the many impacts this will have on society if passed. Many feel that marriage is a civil right, and should not be limited to people of a certain sexuality. This issue will cause great controversy in our generation, and many to come.

“To be taking away the civil rights of people, because of their sexuality, is really just pointless,” said Lily Edwards, junior.

In other aspects, the government is becoming more accepting of different peoples’ sexuality. On September 20, the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy was repealed. In previous years, members of the military were instructed to follow this policy, by not informing anyone of their sexuality. Members who were discharged because of this policy are now able to re-enlist, and this will also open up our services to so many people who couldn’t serve before.

Few states allow gay marriage, and some grant unions with similar rights to marriage. There are also many states that already have the amendment against same-sex marriage in their constitution. As different parts of the US decide their place in this controversial issue, our future could greatly be effected.

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