Introducing the new newspaper staff writers

Students can choose to sign up for Newspaper in either one or both semesters, which can lead to a difference in writers between semesters. This can make the class feel bigger than it did the first semester (Photo Courtesy of Bennett Ange).

The start of the second semester means fresh staff for The Mycenaean. Seven new writers joined our team this spring: Madeline Gransden, Matas Karkauskas, Gaby Lefcheck, Michael Ogbuowelu, Emerson Swope, Maren Uria, and Maya Schpero.

“I really enjoy writing, and I think it’s really cool for everyone to read my articles and be like ‘Hey I know that person’,” said Swope. 

Madeline Gransden is a sophomore who has played 7 different sports. She joined The Mycenaean because she likes writing, and it seemed like a fun elective. 

 Matas Karkauskas is a junior exchange student who joined the newspaper because it seemed like a fun class – and to participate in our social media. Karkauskas has been to 30 countries in his lifetime. 

Gaby Lefcheck is a sophomore who joined Newspaper for the unique experience. She hopes to graduate high school with straight A’s.

Michael Ogbuowelu is a sophomore aspiring to be a lawyer, and he joined the class because it seemed enjoyable. “I like writing and it seemed like a fun class,” said Ogbuowelu.

Emerson Swope is a sophomore who plays 4 instruments; she joined The Mycenaean because she likes writing, 

Marin Uria is a sophomore who was born in New York City. She joined The Mycenaean team because her mother is a writer. 

Maya Schpero is a sophomore who joined the Newspaper because she likes writing and is interested in journalism. Schpero hopes to play softball in college. 

The new members are already hard at work learning, the correct ways to interview students, take pictures for their articles, and write in proper Newspaper style. 

Some have already started their first articles, ranging from the all-district band to the tech crew for the spring musical. Things move fast at The Mycenaean, and our new members must be brought up to speed as quickly as possible. We’re looking forward to a great semester!

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