Leesville Road High School has one of the largest Latin clubs in North Carolina. This club meets monthly on Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m.
An average meeting for the Latin club begins with announcements by their leaders, Jeremy Weiss and Andrew Wood. These announcements cover everything from future projects and plans to food and getting pumped up. After announcements, the club starts an activity or two that the whole club takes part in. The last meeting, November 15, featured multiple activities including voting on T-shirt designs and the collecting of dues for the club.
The club also has many plans and projects for the near future. One of these includes the Coat Drive from Dec. 6-16. The coat drive donates clothing to underprivileged children through the program “Coats for the Children.”
“I hope we raise a lot of coats to help children,” said Bill Nguyen, sophomore.
The Latin Club also discussed the first meeting of the National Latin Honors Society that was on Nov. 17. The NLHS has many stringent requirements to join, including but not limited to, being in Latin 4 or above, and maintaining an unweighted GPA of 3.5. Most of the upperclassmen members of the Latin Club are qualified for the NLHS, hence the announcement.
Latin Club has many lofty goals for this year as well. Some of these are having a record number of members, having amiable feelings among said members, and completing the club scrapbook as an honors club.
“The club seemed to get along really well, and there was lots of socializing among the members,” said Elbrus Batca, sophomore. Completing the scrapbook is also important, as it “shows what happened during the year.”
The next meeting of the club is on Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 2:30 p.m.
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