Graduation is June 7, a month away, but Leesville has already begun to prepare for this important event.
This week, April 30 through May 4, for example, Senior bulletins were released that detailed information about appropriate dress, times, places, and tickets. There have recently been many meetings involving supervision committees, as well as meetings at the Civic Center about layout and parking.
Other preparations include speech rehearsals and distribution of caps and gowns, which took place May 8.
Speech rehearsals are taking place for the many people speaking at the graduation ceremony, a list which includes Larry Han, Valedictorian, Justin Palpant, Salutatorian, Hannah Taylor, NHS President, Virginia Reed, Senior Class President, Sarah Martin, Student Body President, Kiana Robinson, Leader in academics and athletics, and another speaker who has yet to be confirmed.
When asked who was planning the graduation ceremony, Heather Dinkenor, teacher, said via e-mail, “Technically I am in charge of coordinating graduation with Mr. Duvall. Ms. Flor in the front office, Mr. Greene in Student Services, and Mrs. Scioli and Senor Ross are cohorts in pulling it all together, from double-checking names and symbols on diplomas and the program, to making sure everyone has the right number of credits to graduate, to keeping everyone organized, dressed correctly and marching appropriately; they are integral in making it all happen.”
Of course, these are just the major people in charge of the ceremony, but the whole LRHS faculty works together to make the ceremony come off as smoothly as it does. The extra activities that the faculty do include music, supervision, tickets, the reception, and baccalaureate.
Dinkenor also said that “the saying that it takes a village to raise a child is true. It is also true that it takes a school to graduate a child.”
Of course, there is the question that is on everyone’s mind, or at least, used to be, and that is about who is going to be on the stage handing out diplomas at the graduation ceremony.
Dinkenor again proved helpful by telling me via e-mail that “both Mr. Lyons and Dr. Muttillo will be onstage for the ceremony. Dr. Muttillo was gracious and offered to let Mr. Lyons hand out the diplomas, however, which the senior class, I know, is very excited about.”
Graduation is the next step in life after high school and is a very important time in a young adult’s life. It is reassuring to learn that the entire school is already preparing for this event, even a month before it is due to happen.
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