This is it. Seniors are embarking on the final stretch. Less than a month remains between us and our senior summer. Many senior related events will take place this month, and we must fight the urge to be lethargic through these last few occasions. The first event that seniors should be aware of is the…

A preview of senior events

This is it. Seniors are embarking on the final stretch. Less than a month remains between us and our senior summer. Many senior related events will take place this month, and we must fight the urge to be lethargic through these last few occasions.

The first event that seniors should be aware of is the “Senior Breakfast and College Shirt Day.” On May 10, Seniors should get decked out in college gear and gather in the parking lot for breakfast. This particular event is not PTA sponsored, so help pitch in by bringing a box of donuts or a jug of juice. Also, expect to take many pictures with your fellow college attendees. (Pirates and Wolfpack, prepare your finger hooks and finger wolves.)

The next event that scholarly seniors can look forward to will happen the next day, May 11. The senior scholars breakfast will take place in the cafeteria at 8:30 for seniors with a cumulative GPA over 4.2. Parents are invited to come share breakfast with their senior spawn.

After the 11th, seniors can expect a droll two weeks standing between them and the next episode of fun. The waiting game will not end until May 25th. . On this day, we will spend our morning in the gym for the senior assembly. The assembly will consist of various speeches, scholarship recognition, and of course, the senior slideshow. After the slideshow finishes, we will trounce outside for the senior picnic. (Make sure to grab your senior issue of the Mycenaean!) The picnic will be catered by local businesses and will offer the perfect opportunity to socialize in an organized environment.

After the picnic comes a glorious two weeks of graduation parties and no school leading up to the main event; Graduation!

We’re almost there seniors. Continue dragging yourself to school for just a few more weeks and enjoy the provided events on the way. We only end highschool once, so make sure you do it right.

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