Teachers honored during Teacher Appreciation week

Teachers dig into their ice cream at the ice cream social on Wednesday. The social was provided by executive council.

From May 7 to May 11, teachers at Leesville felt the love from the students and school during National Teacher Appreciation week.

“Every day during the week, the teachers receive something from an organization that is involved in the school, whether it’s from the PTSA or Executive Council or groups like that,” said Mrs.Beaver.

On Monday, teachers received a cinnamon bun and on Tuesday, a Mountain Dew with a note.  On Wednesday afternoon, the teachers were prized with an ice cream social.  Their last gift was a moon pie on Thursday.

Though the presents may be small in some people’s eyes, the recognition teachers receive is more than just the present. It’s the gesture that means the most to teachers.

“I feel appreciated,” said Ms.Fishbane. “It’s nice to know that people do recognize the work that teachers do and thank us for doing it.”

Though National Teacher’s Appreciation Week is just one week in May, teachers are always appreciated, even if no one says it.

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