Labor Day: Surrender your white pants

Moet Miller proudly flaunts her white denim just before Labor Day, which marks the end of summer clothing. According to, white clothing is alright after Labor Day if it is paired with dark, warm colors.

For some, the three day weekend over Labor Day marks the beginning of fall and the end of summer. But for the fashion-conscious, does Labor Day still mean the end of white clothing?

This tradition dates back as early as the late 1800s. The elite class wore white, which symbolized wealth, during the summer on their break from work. Some suggest that this was a jab at the lower class that could not spare time off from work to take vacations. The wealthy class displayed their superiority by having two completely different wardrobes, whereas city-folk were stuck wearing their dark-colored work clothing year round.

More practical reasons for the switch from white, include the fact that fall and winter clothes are usually darker in color and heavier. Some argue that white clothing would be ruined during fall and winter rains.

Monet Miller, senior and one of Leesville’s fashion experts, said, “Labor Day represents the beginning of fall, meaning all summer colors need to cease.”

The 1950’s mark the peak of this tradition as it became strictly enforced throughout the growing middle class. This raises the question of whether or not white after Labor day is relevant or not?

Rani Corak, junior, flaunted her white denim the week following Labor Day. “I honestly forgot about the rule, so I don’t think it matters anymore.”

When asked why she doesn’t wear white, Morgan Bailey, sophomore, said, “I don’t really know why; I’ve just grown up being told not to wear white pants and white shoes after Labor day.”

Many fashion-elitists are ‘rebels’ who refuse to conform to rule. Gucci released their fall clothing line which included white pieces paired with deep reds, greens and neutrals.

Corak, said, “I don’t see why it’s such a big deal. I should be able to wear my clothes whenever I want.”

For Miller, fall is “time for jeans and dark colors.” After Labor Day, “I want to see some oranges, reds and yellows. No more white.”

“White looks good against tan skin and it symbolizes summer,” said Bailey.

Some avid followers of the rule may judge those who wear white after that special day in September. But, there’s a growing portion of the population that doesn’t want to be told what to wear, when.

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