LRHS hired three English teachers for the 2012-2013 school year bringing a fresh profile to the English Department. The spotlight this week is on Mrs. Paradise.
Two weeks into school and most students seem accustomed to Mrs. Paradise’s persona. “She’s very nice and connects well with us in class,” said Carter Hering, junior.
“She has a sort of spunk that keeps the class going,” said Hering. She, along with two other English teachers, are a part of a wave of younger teachers joining the Leesville community. Mrs. Price, English I teacher, recently joined during the 2010-2011 school year.
The school year is starting off well for Paradise. “I love this school! Everyone is so nice and helpful. I love having four periods a day,” said Paradise.
Leesville to Paradise is a distinguished school. “I chose Leesville because it is the best high school in Wake County…everything is so efficient at Leesville which makes my job all the more enjoyable!”, she said.
Before coming to Leesville, she taught for two years at a juvenile detention center.
Speaking of her experience, she said, “It was a very eye-opening place to teach at, the boys had been expelled from San Diego Public schools and Los Angeles Public Schools and their parents had given up all their parental rights.”
She taught English and African American History at Enloe High for eight years. “I moved to Raleigh to be closer to my family,” she said.
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