Crowning royalty at Leesville

Mrs. Floyd’s senior English class, pictured above, show off their crown designs. Every year, the seniors at Leesville are provided with crowns for them to decorate and wear the day of the homecoming game.

The time that every senior looks forward to from the beginning of high school is finally here– their last Homecoming week. There is Spirit Week, the big football game and, to some, most importantly: senior crowns.

Senior crowns are a tradition started in the early years of the school.

“It’s just always been a tradition here to do senior crowns,” says Mrs. Wade, the Senior Class Council advisor. “They’ve done it for as long as I can remember. I like that they do it. It’s something special that I’m sure the seniors look forward to.”

Every year the Senior Class Council goes around to different Burger Kings in the area asking for crowns.

“We went a few times a week to ask for crowns,” says Claire Coward, who is on Senior Class Council. “One time we went, and they tried to make us pay for them, but we kept asking and they eventually gave them to us. One Burger King even gave us a whole box.”

Members of the Council spray painted the crowns blue and green before they handed them out on Monday and Tuesday night of spirit week.

“The seniors can decorate the crowns however they want, and they are supposed to wear them on the day of the pep rally and the Homecoming game,” says Coward. “Last year some people wired their crowns and put lights in them, which was pretty cool.”

This is an opportunity for the seniors to be creative and stand out.

“I’m really excited about this,” says Elana Kuvuna, senior. “I’m going to put cheetah print and African fabric on it because it’s unique and it represents my heritage.”

Another senior, Amanda Duckett, has her design planned as well.

“Mine is pink and white zebra-stripes with black ribbon on the bottom. I put my name and ‘SENIOR 2013’ on it,” says Duckett. “I love these because it’s like a right of passage. When we get these, we know we’re seniors. We’ve been waiting for this for almost four years.”

The homecoming game is against Millbrook on Friday, October 12. The seniors will be ‘crowned’ on this day and be able to show off their designs. Go, Pride!

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