A major aspect of Homecoming week is the procession of student-made floats that represent different clubs and grades at Leesville Road High School.
Hours of work and hundreds of dollars go into these floats, all in to order to obtain the bragging rights that come with being champion.
Brian Campoli, senior, said, “I helped work on the Senior Class Council float, and it just took up so much of my time. It costs a lot of money to put together, and people are not always reimbursed. However, it is all worth it if we win.”
Which his did. The Senior’s Class float, which consisted of the Tower Bridge, Olympic rings and a throne, won the contest.
“I was so excited when we won. The 2013 class has won the float competition the past two years, so it was awesome to keep that going,” said Claire Coward, senior and major contributor to senior class float.
Majid Fakhoury, senior, said, “It was a great experience working on the French Club float. It gets to be really chaotic, especially on the last night, but it is awesome when it is finally all put together.”
Many people do not realize how much it takes to put together these floats. Often clubs have few people working on them and occasionally have to use money out of their own pockets as well. And then there is the issue of transporting the float to school.
Campoli said, “Transporting the float is really difficult. Last year, it came unhitched from the trailer and rolled into the middle of the intersection on Glenwood Avenue.”
The floats all made it safe and sound to Leesville this year, though and joined their rightful spot in the Homecoming Parade.
Anne Cushman is a staff writer for The Mycenaean and resides in North Carolina. Her hobbies include petting horses, hang-gliding, and soccer. Some of her numerous aspirations are to climb Mount Everest, kayak the Colorado River, and write well. Also, she loves One Direction.
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