The Performing Arts cafe was an exciting night of food and musical performances by 24 of Leesville’s choral students.
Hosted by Kordell Draper and Monet Miller, the cafe is an opportunity for musical students to show their talent to friends and family.
Standout acts were not limited to grade level or vocal experience. Freshman duet Emily Foley and Natalie Daumen, beginning chorus members, sang “Somethings Are Meant to Be” in a beautiful two-part harmony.
It was refreshing to hear such a loud and mature sound from freshman vocalists. The song itself was a difficult Broadway piece, and both girls were able to give it justice.
The PA cafe featured an interesting mix of quartets, groups, soloists and sister acts.
Katie and Sarah Arney, Capital Pride and intermediate chorus members, appropriately sang the famous “Sisters”. In long black dresses and green and blue feather boas, their outfits fit together as well as their voices. It was short and sweet song preceding the longer, and soulful sister act of Toney-Paite and Skylar Phillips.
The Phillips sisters sang the country song, “White House”, in two-part harmony with coyer and drum instrumental. Unlike the previous sister group, each Phillip sisters brought a different voice part and style in their song together. The resulting collaboration was an interesting and smooth blend of voice and instrument.
Capital Pride individual performers Kordell Draper and Jasmine Axelrod also gave audience members a taste of their styles and personalities in “Mr. Cellophane” and “The Sound of Music.”
Draper’s act was lively and unlike other performances as he sang theatrically, with the use of comedic breaks and props. Axelrod, however, slowed the tempo down for typically upbeat “The Sound of Music” to fit to her rich, deep alto voice. Draper and Axelrod’s songs both took on a unique life of their own through personalized arrangements of classic songs.
The PA Cafe was an unforgettable night of music with Leesville’s choral students. Every student and song was prepared to create an enjoyable experience for audience members under the stars of Leesville’s performers.
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