Covington’s last concert

On May 3 Diane Covington led her last chorus concert at Leesville Road High School.

This year’s spring concert served as a goodbye for not only Covington, but the current seniors in chorus. All three choirs performed: beginning, intermediate, and Capital Pride.

The concert opened up with the song ‘It Takes a Village’ — this song emphasized how it takes all people that have influence in a child’s life to raise them and do so properly. As usual, the singers surrounded the entire auditorium from all angles to magnify the sound.

“Every [song] had their own message. The [opening] song, ‘It Takes a Village’, was cool because of the message that it takes every one of us to help each other,” said Covington.

For the womens’ piece, the girls sung ‘Nigra Sum’. The men sang ‘What Makes the World Go Round’ for their all-men’s piece.

Beginning chorus sung ‘If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments’, ‘Shenandoah’, ‘Tres Cantos Nativos Dos Indios Krao’, ‘Courage’, ‘And the Father Will Dance’.

Intermediate chorus sung ‘Sicut Cervus’, ‘Make them Hear You’, ‘In Remembrance’, ‘Zion’s Walls’. and ‘Walk Together, Children.’

Capital Pride sung ‘Haec Dies’, ‘Lux Arumque’, and ‘The Word Was God’. They also had their usual sad yet moving song that serves as a “goodbye seniors” song. This year, they sang ‘Sure on this Shining Night’, which brought most of Capital Pride and some of the audience to tears. It was obvious that the seniors will miss Capital Pride and the juniors in Capital Pride will miss them.

“I [will] miss the bond that they make with each other, and with music, and with me. It’s this way every year — every time a class leaves that I’ve taught for 4 years, it’s like a little piece of [my] heart,” said Covington.

The women of Capital Pride sang ‘Bring Me Little Water, Silvy”. This was accompanied by a rhythmic dance and the entire song was organized and conducted by Ellie Cain, female student conductor. The men of Capital Pride sang a redone version of Billy Joel’s, ‘For the Longest Time’. This was organized and conducted by Peter Sherk, male student conductor.

Overall, Covington and her choirs put on an enjoyable and beautiful spring concert.

“[I enjoy] watching the students be successful and the parent’s appreciation [for] it,” said Covington.


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